Humane Interface Design

Monday, December 06, 2010

New Design - Facebook Profiles

Priority for seeing my own pictures before looking at my friends feed....Heights of self indulgence! Not a good design move, even if they want to promote sharing pictures more.

in reference to: New Facebook Profiles Now Available [SCREENSHOTS] (view on Google Sidewiki)

Not so obvious

I would instead say that this shows what people search for very often that have the name of the state in it and are unfortunately the information that is not obvious and requires Google to find out.
If these are among the first results while searching for a sate it means they are searched the most.
And If people are searching for it means they are not given the information which should have been obviously given to them.

Therefore this can either be a list of organizations that do not market themselves well our they are the most popular with name of the state in it.

in reference to:

"The United States of America According to Google Autocomplete"
- The United States of America According to Google Autocomplete (view on Google Sidewiki)

Deceiving NDTV Toyota Greenies design challenge

The winning Dia on the contrary is about burning natural resources. Definitely not design award worthy. Instead It actually symbolizes deception that car manufactures do. Burns natural resources to run but looks green like a leaf :-)

Part1 -

in reference to: YouTube - NDTV Toyota Greenies design challenge Part 1 (view on Google Sidewiki)